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Fishing Report 8-13-15

Flows from the Corps of Engineers on the Cumberland River have been very unfavorable for about a month due to a massive amount of rain received early in July in the Cumberland Basin. Yesterday the Wolf Creek Dam generation schedule finally broke. Currently flows are right on track. Combine great weather forecasts for the next few days and good generation schedules and it's a great time to to go trout fishing now! You can bet that Cumberland Bottom Ticklers will be on the river. With Summer winding down and school starting you can bet that fewer boats will be on the river especially during the week. CBT's has consistently been on the river during the week this time of year and seen no one else. Take our advice and go during the week if you can. Give us a call, we can accomodate weekday and weekend trips!



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  Cumberland River | Fly Fishing | Fly Fishing Guide Service | Kentucky Fly Fishing | Wolf Creek Dam 

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