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Spring time in the Smoky Mountains

Beautiful and feisty Smoky Mountain Rainbow

Spring time in the Smoky Mountains can't be beat. Not only is the surrounding landscape full of beauty with flowering red bud and dogwood trees, the fishing is pretty darn good also. I usually guide on the Cumberland, but several times a year I have to chase wild trout on the bouldered streams of the Smoky Mountains. Fishing can be tough if you aren't accustomed to the environment. The fish are generally small in size, but big in attitude and appearance. Fishing smart in the mountains is a must. Don't let your fly line touch the water, don't cast a shadow on the stream, don't present yourself to fish before you present your fly, and most importantly, don't try to make long casts.

Typical slow trout infested Smoky Mountain pool

"Brookie" The crown jewel of the Smoky Mountains

Streamside flowers

Rainbow colors

Pay attention to what might be crawling around the river!

and...keep an eye out for hatches!

What in the world are you waiting for? Get out there and chase some Smoky Mountain trout!



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